
Showing posts from January, 2022

Breathwork Training Classes in Australia

At Breathless, We are the industry leader in world-class breath-focused workshops, experiences, expeditions and education. Breathing properly can unlock transformative benefits within the human body. This is why we use specific self-quantification methods and active recovery protocols to not only help clear physical restrictions in the body, but to also improve the efficiency of your own breathing mechanisms. Breathwork session  is a set of exercises that teaches you how to control your breathing rate and depth to increase your awareness of your breath and, in turn, offers the same advantages as a contemplative practice. People in the Eastern half of the world have been doing breathwork for thousands of years, even if it appears to be an “up-and-coming” wellness practice in the West. Prana is the cornerstone of the Pranayama breathwork technique, which dates back to ancient India and fuels traditional yoga practices. Prana means “holy life energy” in Sanskrit.